

Thank you for your interest in my website. I take the protection of your personal data seriously, in paricular on the occasion of your visit to my website. Your data will be protected in accordance with the statutory provisions, in particular the General Data Protection Regulations. Below you will find information on what data is collected during your visit to the website and how it is used. As the operator, I cannot assume any liability for external links to third-party content despite careful content checking.

Responsible agent

Responsible agent and thus responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RSTV and within the meaning of the data protection laws is:

Rechtsanwalt Dr. Wolfgang Goessmann
Weidenbornstrasse 8a
D- 65189 Wiesbaden

Phone +49 (0)611 9744 9386
Mobile +49 (0) 160 178 1511
Facs +49 (0) 0611 9744 6382

goessmann @


If you have any questions and/or complaints about data protection, rights or claims to your data, please send a letter, fax or e-mail to the abovmentioned address.
Please note the safety instructions below.

Data Stored

Every access to this homepage and every retrieval of a file stored on the website is logged. For technical reasons, the following data, which your Internet browser transmits to this web space provider, is collected (so-called server log files):

  • Browser type and version
  • operating system used
  • Website from which you visit this website (referrer URL)
  • Website you are visiting – date and time of your access – your Internet Protocol (IP) address.

The aforementioned data will be processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring a smooth connection to the website
  • Ensuring comfortable use of our website
  • Evaluation of system security and stability as well as
  • for further administrative purposes (e.g. to contact you, if you have completed a contact form or data sheet on my website and written to me.

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) General Data Protection Regulation. My legitimate interest follows from the purposes of data collection listed above. Under no circumstances I will use the data collected for the purpose of drawing conclusions about your person. This anonymous data is stored separately from any personal data you may have provided.

For questions of any kind, I offer the opportunity to contact me via the forms provided on the website (“your request”). It is necessary to provide a valid email address so that I know who sent the request and to be able to answer it. Further information can be provided by you voluntarily.

The data processing for the purpose of contacting me takes place in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) General Data Protection Regulation and on the basis of your voluntarily given consent. The personal data collected by me for the use of the contact form will be automatically deleted after completion of the request made by you, unless I am entitled by the General Data Protection Regulation to store the data for a longer period.

Use of Cookies

I use cookies on my website. A cookie is a small text file that is stored by a website on your computer’s hard drive. Each time you return to my website, your browser retrieves the relevant cookie(s) and sends them to the website’s server.

By using this website after accepting the cookie notice that appears when you first visit the website, or by browsing my website after this notice has been displayed to you, you consent to the placing of cookies on your computer in accordance with the terms of this cookie notice.

The use of cookies serves to make my website more pleasant for you. For example, I use session cookies to recognise that you have already visited individual pages of my website. These cookies are automatically deleted when you leave the site or close your browser. Other cookies used by me are stored on your computer or device for a maximum period of 2 years from the date of their initial installation or, if they are updated later, from the date of the update. Technical cookies also include cookies that save your cookie settings.

The data processed by cookies is required for the above-mentioned purposes to safeguard my legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.

In principle, you can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, I would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of my website to their full extent. I do not use third-party cookies (third-party websites), including those from social media providers; with the exception of Google Analytics.

Use of Google Analytics

I use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, if IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area beforehand.

Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. The legal basis for the use of Google Analytics is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.

I use Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymiseIp()”. This means that IP addresses are further processed in abbreviated form, thus excluding the possibility of personal references. If the data collected about you is personally identifiable, it is immediately excluded and the personal data is deleted immediately.

For the exceptional cases in which personal data is transferred to the USA, I have subjected Google to the EU-US Privacy Shield,

You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link .

Your Consent

If data is used for a purpose that requires your consent according to the statutory provisions, you will always be asked for your express consent and your consent will be logged in accordance with the data protection regulations.

Use and disclosure of personal data

The subject of data protection is personal data. These data are individual details about personal or factual circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, postal address, e-mail address but also usage data such as the IP address of a computer. If you have provided personal data, these data will only be used to answer your inquiries, appointments or used for your information.

Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties, unless you give your prior consent restricted to individual cases. Even without your consent, the transfer of your data is permitted if there is a legal or binding official obligation, e.g a subpoena, or if the transfer is necessary for the processing of contractual relationships with you.

Right of Information

You are at any time entitled to be informed about the data stored concerning your person, their origin and recipient as well as the purpose of storage. You are welcome to receive information about stored personal data at any time. In particular, you may request information about your personal data processed by me as well as about the purposes of processing.

Please send your request in writing, by fax or by e-mail to the responsible agent, see above.

Revocation, deletion and other rights

You are entitled to revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. The revocation is possible without giving reasons.

The deletion of your stored personal data takes place if you revoke your consent to the storage, if their knowledge is no longer necessary to fulfill the purpose pursued with the storage or if their storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons.

Yet, under the General Data Protection Regulation I am entitled, despite your right to deletion, to continuesly store the data if the storage is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation or for legal defense.

You have the right to request correction of your data or the completion of your data.

Questions answered

Your trust is important. Therefore, the responsible body is available to answer your questions regarding the processing of your personal data at any time. If you have any questions that this data protection declaration could not answer or if you would like more detailed information on any point, please contact me.

Complaints and supervising Authority

Complaints may also be addressed to:

State of Hessen Data Protection Authority

Represented by:
Prof. Dr. Alexander Rossnagel
D – 65189 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 (0)611 /1408 0
poststelle @

Applicable Law

Your rights of Data Protection are are governed by German Law solely.
The venue is Wiesbaden, to the extent that it is compatible in a permissible manner.


Only the German version is binding. The English version is for convenience only.